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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

SQL Trace and TKPROF

Understanding SQL Trace
Times when program is performing poorly, creating and examining a trace file is one of the best way to find what is causing the problem for poor performance.
Following is the list of some of the SQL Trace statictics that are generated in the trace file.

Parse, execute, and fetch counts
CPU and elapsed times
Physical reads and logical reads
Number of rows processed
Commits and Rollback

There are several ways by which you can turn on/off SQL Trace

Turn on

Turn off

Click here to set SQL Trace on a concurrent program.
The trace file is created in the udump directory.

Understanding TKPROF
The TKPROF program can be used to format the contents of the trace file and convert it into a readable output file.
TKPROF can also be used to generate Explain Plan for the queries.
I will create a seperate post to discuss various options available with TKPROF.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Create Trace File for Concurrent Program

If your program is taking time to complete, then the best way to know what is causing the problem is by creating a trace file.

System Administrator(R) --> Concurrent --> Program --> Define

Query for the concurrent program and check enable trace button.

Now when the concurrent program is executed the trace file is created in the udump directory. The path of udump directory can be found by executing following query.

select * from v$parameter
where name like '%user_dump_dest%'

The trace file can be converted to a readable format by running a tkprof command over the trace file.
tkprof [trace_file_name] [new_file_name]

Click for more info on TKPROF

Friday, April 18, 2008

Oracle Table Rename Syntax

There is a direct command to rename table.
The syntax is as follows

alter table
rename to

Note: When the table is renamed the referenced object like PL/SQL, applications etc are not updated. Hence this may make those invalid. However the indexes, constraints etc are updated.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dependent Value Parameter in Discoverer

In Discover 4i there was no way to filter the list of second parameter based on the value selected in first parameter.
Discoverer Version 10g has overcome this problem and allows to filter the List of Values based on another parameter. This is very similar to dependent value set that we create in Oracle Apps.
In the paramter screen(shown in the screen shot below) Select Option "Filter the List of Values based on the selection conditions, then select the parameter based on which the value need to be filtered. Click OK and you are all set to filter the list based on another parameter.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Not Required Parameter in Discoverer

The old version of Discover4i forced to enter values for all the paramters. If the value needs to be passed as NULL, then user had to enter either NULL or '' as the parameter value.

Discover 10g has got rid of this problem. The parameter can now be made a non-required parameter by checking "Require User to Enter a Value" checkbox as shown in the screenshot below.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Password Policy and profile options

On apps there are a lot of profile options that are useful in making apps passwords difficult to guess, the profiles are

1-Signon password failure limit
2-Signon Password Length
3-Signon Password No Reuse
4-Signon Password Hard to Guess

For the first one it means how many time can I try to access the system using wrong password. It is recommended to change this value to 3. The default value is null.

The second one to allow minimum password length. The default value is 5, it is recommended to make it 6 or 7.

The 3rd profile is for not allowing using same password again for specified number of days.

The default value for 4th profile option is No. Following are the password rules if the value is set to Yes
1) The password contains at least one letter and at least one number.
2) The password does not contain the username.
3) The password does not contain consecutively repeating characters.

Reference: Metalink Note 362663.1

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Basic VI Editor Commands

Cursor Movements

h, j, k, l

Move left, Down, Up, Right


Move to First Character of the Line


Move to end of Line


Move to next word


Move Page Down


Move Page Up


Move to the End of File

1G or :1

Move to the Top of File


Move to Line number n. (replace n is any integer value)


Display current Line Number


Find a Text


Find a text in Forward Direction


Find a text in Reverse Direction


Repeat the previous Search

Note: text needs to be replaced by the string that needs tobe searched.


Editing, Inserting orDeleting a Text


Append after Cursor


Append to the end of Line


Insert before cursor


Insert from the Beginning of the line


Insert a new Line in the edit mode


Change word


Change whole line


Change text to end of line


Delete Current Line


Delete current line and next 4


Delete from Current Position to the end of line


Undo last change


Restore Current Line


Copy(yanking) and Paste


Yank a copy of Current Line


Insert previously yanked Line


Saving and Exiting

ZZ or :wq

Save and exit file


Exit without Saving

:w filename1

Save edited file as filename1. Similar to Save as.

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