Hi friends, before I proceed thanks to everyone reading and supporting the blog.
Here is another new post on FNDLOAD which provides a menu to select the option and execute FNDLOAD Command.
Below are the screenshots of how screen looks
1)Accepts the apps password. Note that the password is hidden and not displayed on the screen.
2)Displays a menu to select an option and Downloads/Uploads a .ldt file
Below is the script
#The script that Displays a Menu and calls FNDLOAD command accordingly. #Created by Date Version #Suresh Vaishya 29-Jul-09 1.0 #http://sureshvaishya.blogspot.com #Suresh Vaishya. Reading apps password outside loop to avoid entering same thing again and again. echo "Enter APPS Password: " stty -echo #Turns echo off read appspwd stty echo #Turns echo on sel='123456789' while true do if [ $sel -ne '123456789' ] then echo "Press ENTER key to continue" read key fi tput clear echo "1. Download Concurrent Program" echo "2. Upload Concurrent Program" echo "3. Download Request Group for a program" echo "4. Upload Request Group for a program" echo "5. Download Value Set" echo "6. Upload Value Set" echo "7. Download Menu" echo "8. Upload Menu" echo "9. Download Descriptive Flexfield Definition" echo "10. Upload Descriptive Flexfield Definition" echo "11. Download Descriptive Flexfield Definition" echo "12. Upload Descriptive Flexfield Definition" echo "13. Download Lookup Definition and Values" echo "14. Upload Lookup Definition and Values" echo "15. Download Forms Personalization" echo "16. Upload Forms Personalization" echo "17. Download Responsibility" echo "18. Upload Responsibility" echo "q or Q. Quit" echo "Enter your selection " read sel #echo "You entered $sel" if [ "$sel" = 'q' ] || [ "$sel" = 'Q' ] then exit fi if [ $sel -gt 0 ] && [ $sel -lt 19 ] then if [ `printf "%d\n" "'$sel"` -gt 57 ] || [ `printf "%d\n" "'$sel"` -lt 49 ] # Suresh Vaishya. Using the ascii value to check valid values then echo "You entered $sel" echo "Invalid selection. Valid value are from 1 to 18." else echo "Enter .ldt Name: " read ldtname #Suresh Vaishya Download Concurrent program if [ $sel -eq 1 ] then echo "Enter Application Short Name: " read applname echo "Enter Concurrent Program Short Name: " read cpname FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct $ldtname PROGRAM APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME="$applname" CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME="$cpname" echo "LDT File $ldtname created" #Suresh Vaishya Upload Concurrent program elif [ $sel -eq 2 ] then FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd O Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct $ldtname - CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE echo "LDT File $ldtname uploaded" #Suresh Vaisha Download Request Group elif [ $sel -eq 3 ] then echo "Enter Request Group Application Short Name" read applname echo "Enter Request Group Name" read rgname echo "Enter Program Short Name" read cpname FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpreqg.lct $ldtname REQUEST_GROUP REQUEST_GROUP_NAME="$rgname" APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME="$applname" REQUEST_GROUP_UNIT UNIT_NAME="$cpname" #Suresh Vaishya Upload Request Group elif [ $sel -eq 4 ] then FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd O Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpreqg.lct $ldtname echo "LDT File $ldtname uploaded" #Suresh Vaishya download Value Set elif [ $sel -eq 5 ] then echo "Enter Value set Short Name" read vsname FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct $ldtname VALUE_SET FLEX_VALUE_SET_NAME="$vsname" echo "LDT File $ldtname created" #Suresh Vaishya Upload Value Set elif [ $sel -eq 6 ] then FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct $ldtname echo "LDT File $ldtname uploaded" #Suresh Vaishya Download Menu elif [ $sel -eq 7 ] then echo "Enter Menu Name" read mname FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct $ldtname MENU MENU_NAME="$mname" #Suresh Vaishya Upload Menu elif [ $sel -eq 8 ] then FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd O Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct $ldtname #Suresh Vaishya Download DFF elif [ $sel -eq 9 ] then echo "Enter Application Name" read applname echo "Enter Descriptive Flexfield Name" read dff FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct $ldtname DESC_FLEX APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME="$applname" DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXFIELD_NAME="$dff" #Suresh Vaishya Upload DFF elif [ $sel -eq 10 ] then FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct $ldtname #Suresh Vaishya Download KFF elif [ $sel -eq 11 ] then echo "Enter Application Name" read applname echo "Enter Key Flexfield Name" read dff FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct $ldtname KEY_FLEX APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME="$applname" DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXFIELD_NAME="$dff" #Suresh Vaishya Upload KFF elif [ $sel -eq 12 ] then FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct $ldtname #Suresh Vaishay Download Lookup type elif [ $sel -eq 13 ] then echo "Enter Application Name" read applname echo "Enter Lookup Type Name" read lname FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/aflvmlu.lct $ldtname FND_LOOKUP_TYPE APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME="$applname" LOOKUP_TYPE="$lname" #Suresh Vaishya Upload Lookup Type elif [ $sel -eq 14 ] then FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd O Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/aflvmlu.lct $ldtname #Suresh Vaishya Download Forms Personalization elif [ $sel -eq 15 ] then echo "Enter Function Name for the form" read fname FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/affrmcus.lct $ldtname FND_FORM_CUSTOM_RULES FUNCTION_NAME="$fname" #http://sureshvaishya.blogspot.com Upload forms personalization elif [ $sel -eq 16 ] then FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/affrmcus.lct $ldtname #Suresh Download Responsibility elif [ $sel -eq 17 ] then echo "Enter Responsibility Key" read rname FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct $ldtname FND_RESPONSIBILITY RESP_KEY="$rname" #Suersh Upload Responsibility elif [ $sel -eq 18 ] then FNDLOAD apps/$appspwd O Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct $ldtname fi fi # ascii if else echo "You entered $sel" echo "Invalid selection. Valid value are from 1 to 18." fi # number check if done # End of Script. http://sureshvaishya.blogspot.com