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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Relation between AR Invoice and Sales Order tables

Many times I have seen a question being asked in the forums about the relationship between AR Invoice and Sales Order.
There are several interface_line_attribute and interface_header_attribute columns in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL and RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table respectively which are used to map it with other modules.
The relationship is actually mapped using the descriptive flexfield.

Query for following
Application: Receivables
Title: Line Transaction Flexfield

and then in the context field is the listed different modules.

For Sales order search for Order Management or Order Entry and click on segments to see how they are mapped. Screenshots below


Click on the segments button to see column mappings.


The above method can also be used to find mapping of Receivables with other modules like Oracle Projects, Services, Contracts etc.

P.S. Please click on the image to zoom it.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Command/Code to get ASCII value in UNIX

Found a method to ASCII to character and vice versa in unix and thought of sharing it.
Below is the code.

## Character to ASCII
printf "%d\n" "'A"

## ASCII number to character
awk -v char=65 'BEGIN { printf "%c\n", char; exit }'

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Find Table and Column Name with table and column description

Many times we refer to TRM to get the description or know more about the columns in a table. The query below can be handy to know which tables use the column and get a small description about the table and the column.
Note if there is a custom table created and not registered in oracle apps then those tables and columns will not be listed by the query below.

SELECT fa.application_id
, fa.application_short_name
, fat.application_name
, table_name
, column_name
, ft.description table_description
, fc.description column_description
FROM   fnd_tables ft
, fnd_columns fc
, fnd_application_tl fat
, fnd_application fa
WHERE  ft.table_id = fc.table_id
AND    fc.column_name = :column_name
AND    fat.application_id = ft.application_id
AND    fa.application_id = fat.application_id

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